[b]Empie- Canavar Cavern[/b] Currently the demon girl sat with legs crossed and red eyes staring down where a selection of little wooden tiles had been seemingly randomly scattered. Avalon had taught her the game to try and keep her hands out of his and the rest of the populaces pockets. It was a simple enough game, each tile had a picture or number, you had to take a pair of tiles at a time but they couldn't be obstructed by other tiles boxing them in or partly covering them. She'd played it hundreds of times but had one maybe twice in that whole time, it was infuriating but she wanted to get good so she could learn something else. Ever since she'd met Avalon he'd been teaching her new things and secretly she thought she was his favourite, though why wouldn't she be? A vulture who spent his time brooding, a demon thing that couldn't do anything without going beserk and a feral cat who would only let Avalon near her on [i]her[/i] terms. She was far more suited for this little task force and Avalon knew it, not that she'd boast as much to the others, even the vulture could probably beat her up in a fair fight, not that she ever fought fair mind you. The game frustrated her and with a low growl, followed by a hiss she pushed over the stack and put them back in the velvet drawstring pouch Avalon kept them in, pouting rather fiercely as she did so. Avalon had gone out and left them all here to 'get along', it was rather unfair in Empie's eyes, though at least here she didn't need the blindfold, the other three didn't seem perturbed by her eyes, which was a first for her. They weren't all bad, on cold night Kucing wouldn't mind if the others came close and rested near her, it was almost as if she were used to it, Sel wasn't always boring, he put up with her teasing so he couldn't be that bad right? As for Gideon...well he'd never attacked her personally so that would do, one big dysfunctional family with poor old Papa Avalon at the head. There were times the man came home with his veins looking fit to burst and she assumed the King had probably said, done or asked something to stress him that much. Putting the bag of tiles at the end of her bunk she slipped with the graceful ease of a sneak thief to one of the windows high up in their little cavernous home, the breeze refreshed her as did the chill from the stone, through the thin slit of a window, Avalon had told her it was wear archers would have been stationed in times of war, she could see the city blanketed in night, it was peaceful and with the moon peeking over the redwoods, the stars littering the sky and the rain causing the gentle pattering sounds against the stone. It was nice to have a roof over her head again, she didn't care that it was more military like than most people were used to, cohabiting, bunks, cold stones and lit by little strange living fires but it was home. While her eyes watched the city slumbering she spotted a flash of heat, small for a human but large for a bird, he was hard to make out but his body heat helped her follow him for a while. Idly she wondered how her real family would have reacted if she'd had such a beautiful transformation, she liked to think that she'd still be at home with them even now. It should have made her nostalgic, upset but all her tears for those people had long since dried up, it had been so long she'dd even started to forget what they looked like. Oh there had been good times when she was young but she remembered those like a far away dream, the bad always lingered more than the good, when Avalon was out of sight the girl slipped from her stony seat and hopped easily back down to the floor. She felt a rush of excitement, Avalon often had news, be it a new Canavar or just news from the King it was always exciting, not a exciting as pick pocketing but she was only allowed to do that on special occasions now. Sel slipped away, off to meet Avalon no doubt and so Empie wiggled over to the table, grinning and trying to desperately hide her enthusiasm. In came the stoic bird people, it made her wonder if all birds were grumpy, looking as serious as ever, it was a shame, both would be rather pretty if they only learned to smile now and then. Could birds even smile? Maybe she'd ask later. Her eyes idly slipped over to her bunk where her small pouch of pretty things threatened to poke out, she wanted to rush over and tuck it further beneath the pillow but it was too late for that now. Avalon would probably take them away, he'd taken away everything else she'd stolen but she'd managed to hide that pouch, she slept better with a few diamonds under her head. With the light now spilling into the room Empie straightened up, grinning at the two men as sweetly and innocently as the imp like nature allowed, her 'innocent' look wasn't much helped by the attire the girl wore, Avalon had traded her rags for real clothes when he'd saved her from the streets. Dresses and skirts but they didn't suit or help her really, so they'd changed it again and she now looked rather like a pirate, dark brown stained leather trousers were strapped in place around her thighs and waist, a white off the shoulder blouse pinned down by a dark coloured corset pulled tight enough to show off her naturally thin figure. She wore slippers rather than boots, finding them easier to move in and made of soft breathable fabric. The only thing out of place was the neck collar she wore, Avalon had tried but he wasn't parting the white haired girl from that necklace and so h'ed stopped trying. "Your back!" Her voice softly feminine but in her excitement a little high pitched and shrill. "Did yo-" Movement caught her attention and she watched a naked, wet Kucing slink over to the edge of the light and had to try hard not to burst out laughing, Avalon wouldn't be overly pleased, even Empie could smell the forest on the woman. Avalon began speaking and Empie listened, the graveness of the situation seemed to completely miss her but after Avalon was done the girl seemed positively electric. "Yes! Finally! Team Avalon are going to get their freak on." She whooped, half skipping half dancing over to soggy Avalon, without breaking stride she span up onto tip toe and placed a kiss on his cheek, she knew he wouldn't be amused but it amused her. "Night night." She cooed, ducking out the way, she'd been hit too often at home and on the streets to not have such an instinctual reaction, she frolicked back to her bunk.