So basically I had this idea for a roleplay in the Walking Dead universe, set quite some time after the outbreak, which would incorporate some concepts from the Pathfinder TRPG. [b]Setting:[/b] It has been 3 years since the outbreak. Permanent settlements have begun to crop up across many parts of the US, but they are few and far between, and discord is rife. The roleplay is centered around a group of survivors who have recently come together. Their backstories will be varied; some of them may already know each other, most will not, but I'll leave that to the players to decide amongst themselves. [b]Characters:[/b] I'd like to say straight off the bat that I would intend to keep the suspense and drama of the source material. In order to do that, as GM, I will be promoting a 'Your character can die at any time' mentality. No-one will have plot armour, especially not my own characters, and we would all go into any situation knowing that a single bite could very well end your character's life. For obvious reasons, that means that this is the sort of roleplay that should only really appeal to people who have a knack for creating new characters on the fly and who won't get too attached to them. The turnover of people in the party will be similar to the Telltale games, with perhaps only two or three people as long-term members, and possibly none of our original characters surviving for the duration. When a player's character dies, they can just make a new one and introduce him/her to the story at an appropriate juncture. [b]Plot:[/b] The plot is something that will obviously be decided by the players. Their characters will make decisions about what direction they want to go, how they treat the people they meet, what courses of action to take. I will then, similar to any Pathfinder DM, shape the story around the outcome of their choices. I will have no overarching 'goal' for the party to complete, other than of course to survive, but rather react to what the players do. I feel it makes for a more freeform roleplay and also lets you guys spread your wings, fluff your imagination and do stuff that I would never have even considered. So that's just my basic idea so far. If I get enough interest I'll obviously flesh out the ideas a bit more. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions and I'll try to come up with answers if I can. Sarge out!