The Doctor frowned slightly at Nora's question about if she had a license or not. She decided she'd rather not answer, so instead she locked the TARDIS behind them and followed Nora as she ran toward the church. "I'll look in the church, you take the hotel." The Doctor would figure out who was getting married by looking for a woman in a white dress she thought before splitting off from Nora and dashing up the steps of the church. It was an old classic church. There were dozens of people setting up for the wedding. "Has anyone seen the bride?" She asked loudly, a few people just looked at her like she was crazy and refused to answer. One person though came up to The Doctor. "May I ask who you are please?" The tall woman asked The Doctor. "Yes you may." The Doctor smiled back. "I'm looking for the bride, Evie. She's got a sister named Nora." "She's not here at the moment. Please leave. I'll let her know you were looking for her Mrs...?" "Doctor." "Doctor who?" "Yes, thank you. I'll go to the hotel then see if she's there. It's very urgent." The Doctor bolted out of the Church and darted across the road, not seeing a black car pull in front of the church behind her.