Experiment 0028 - CLOSED The Cursed Blade- CLOSED Rivals in Blood - OPEN I would also like to add that in the vampire one, the rules for vampires will follow along the traditional lines. No going out in sunlight (at all! No sparkly skin, magic rings, etc.), only able to drink blood, tortured, monstrous creatures of the night, you get the picture. I don't go for the mindless killing machine type, but at the same time, they are monsters. There will be blood and murder and lots of gore. If you need a reference, White Wolf's game Vampire the Masquerade is sort of the feel for what I want out of my vampires. If you're familiar with the game, you know that there's all sorts of clans and bloodlines and factions. This isn't going to be VTM, so we won't be playing with those, but that is a reference for what I mean about how the vampires work in this scenario.