Emera was silent a very long time. Finally, she looked up at River. "I could lie." She offered softly. Lying was not something she did easily, nor well. But for Sylvia, even she could fabricate a tale worth retelling. "I'll go to the gods." She looked up at him, fear in her eyes. "She will believe me if it comes from the gods. I will tell her they showed me a Life Split." The elves held their temple in great regard. The trip there was difficult, though not long. Before the gods you could pray, offer gifts, and sometimes, they granted you with one of their own. Elves would sometimes return, claiming to have been shown a choice. They took their sight to the one it involved, and gave their council. This choice was called a Life Split. It was at these points that their lives did split, to two separate paths. Neither choice was good, nor bad, not as they could be seen. Each held merit. It was to them to decide which was the path that was true. Each, usually, resulted in the same. The difference was how you got there. "I will tell her that they showed me that if her stomach has swelled with child before the first snow, it shall be her children that shepard in a peace greater than the realm has known in lifetimes. If she is not with child by the time snow touches ground, it shall be your youth that bring about the peace." Emera looked up at River, insecure about her choice. "I do not hold water with the gods, but Sylvia does not know. If I tell her they mean for her to be with child, she will lay with Aranhil." The young elf set aside her needlework. Gently, she smoothed out her skirts, and took to her feet. "I shall make plans to travel at once. It won't take me more than a day, perhaps two. But I should still inform our hosts that I mean to travel." She turned to River, her eyes tracing his face. She studied his every line and curve, every sign of smile and frown. They were so different. She was sure he'd like her plan. After all, everything she feared, he loved. She was positive he would love this idea. "It's not truly a lie." The young elf offered nervously. "Her children will bring about peace. We....we're just helping that peace come sooner."