"You never learn," Aurelia muttered, letting her left hand fall into the folds of her cloak, hidden from view. She shook her head even as Evvie continued her charge, although it was on foot this time. Time and time again she had proven that blindly charging her would do her no good, and only result in a certain defeat if she did not come up with anything better. Maybe, maybe it wasn't possible to have a fight with someone who relied only on brute strength? At least, not a fight like she wanted it. With a heavy sigh, she readjusted the grip on her scythe and waiting for when Evvie came near, charging up for another blast in her left hand. She knew it would take a long time for her to charge up enough magic in her scythe if she kept redirecting her magic like this, but she was tired of just jumping away. She made a sweeping movement with her scythe -avoiding Evvie's attempts to grab it - and spent a little of the magic she was still gathering in her scythe, increasing the force of the swing. It hit Evvie's leg with enough force to stop the blow. She took a step closer and looked up, locking her gaze on Evvie's and revealing the crimson eyes of hers for the first time. "You never learn," she said, almost as if it was a death sentence in and of itself. "You've tried again and again to charge at me blindly, but it's never worked." She was close enough that she doubted Evvie would notice her moving her left hand. If she was transfixed with her red eyes, then she was sure not to notice, Aurelia thought. "Learn, girl!" She placed her hand on Evvie's chest and, without warning, unleashed a blast of magic powerful enough to knock her at least a few metres away.