Kimiko was normally not one for the weird rumors. Juicy gossip was appealing, sure. If something was going down with someone she knew, that was worth talking about. But fantasy stories about monsters and demons or ghosts or whatever? That gave her a laugh, but not much else. Kimiko didn't believe in ghosts, so the idea of some kind of haunting was usually brushed off without a second thought. After all, how could something imaginary show up in your mirror or closet? This one was a little different though, because Kimiko wasn't just hearing about it down the line. She'd seen moving figures in the abandoned building herself, and while she'd brushed that off as an animal or reflection or something, it was harder to explain the barricade vanishing, and Kimiko had seen that too while walking home from a friend's house. A prank maybe, but it gave her an uncomfortable feeling. So now, as she walked down the hallway with her friend Hiro, the other girl's sudden gasp caught her off-guard. "What is it?" She inquired, looking over to her see what happened. Hiro's gaze was fixed out the window, and Kimiko felt a chill run down her spine. "Did you see something?" Hiro looked over at her and nodded. "Yeah, I saw a figure in the window of that old building." Kimiko opened her mouth, but Hiro continued, "And yeah, I know you don't believe in ghosts and whatnot, but doesn't it seem suspicious?" Kimiko had to concede that that was a good point. "Yeah, I guess. Hey!" She exclaimed. "What do you say we investigate? I've heard a lot of people talking about it, but I want to figure out what's really going on." Hiro winced. "I dunno Kimiko, even if it's not ghosts, it might be dangerous." "So?" Kimiko glared at her. "We'll be fine. I guarantee you it's not ghosts." Hiro sighed. "Alright, but...I don't think I'm going with you. Call me crazy, but I have a bad feeling about it." Truth be told, so did Kimiko. But she wasn't about to let that kind of thing stop her. Ghosts didn't exist after all, so how could something pretend hurt her, right? So as she continued down the hallway and they returned to their original conversation, Kimiko started to mentally prepare herself.