A gloriously clear sky stretched out overhead in a seemingly endless blue, surrounding a dazzling early morning Summer sun over the eastern sands and rock formations that covered the majority of the land. The radiance blanketed the small desert town of Caschwood as it stood alone in the dry windswept landscape, highlighting pale staccato roofs and cream colored sandstone walls that the majority of the buildings displayed. Few of the town's residents had ventured out for the day, leaving most of the sidewalks without pedestrians or cars in the streets, but the handful of people who were away from home had already begun that day's labors. One such man sat in the middle of a small carpentry shop that lay on the edge of Main Street, doors wide open to the heat and wind. Osiris Rigley, or Si as he insisted every one call him from the day he realized the fool name his Egyptian loving mother had given him, was a tall lithe man,, with long hands and angular cheek bones. His pale blonde hair was long, falling to the middle of his back, But was currently pulled back into a simple three strand braid. His almond shaped eyes, light tawny Brown shot through with flecks of gold, were focused on the movement of his hands with a look of concentration, guiding a square of sandpaper over the rough spots of wood that remained on the face of the dresser he was currently working with. Occasionally, a soft hum would vibrate within his throat, Following along with the soft violin music that played from the speakers of his iPod that lay on the counter behind him As a car rumbled past on the street outside, Si momentarily paused, lifting his gaze to the open front double doors, lifting one eyebrow at the unfamiliar vehicle that rolled past. At the same moment, his golden retriever Sadie calmly lifted her head from her front paws, black nose twitching with curiosity. She let out A muted bark before turning liquid brown eyes on her owner. "i'm not sure who it is." Osiris stated in answer to her obvious question , his voice a deep silky sound in the quiet workshop. One of his slender shoulders lifted and a grin lit up his features. "Maybe they are some new friends moving to town. Wouldn't that be quite the sight." He had said those words just to watch her ears give an excited quirk at hearing "friend", though he himself was quite convinced that the vehicle most likely contained passers through that had gotten lost or needed to refill on gas. With a soft sigh of contentment, He refocused on his project, picking up the rhythm of the music once again as he went back to work with the sandpaper.