Kenzie laughed as she let Lucy lead her through her apartment, glad that the girl was in high spirits. Lucy was really smart, so she probably understood that Cody [i]has[/i] to work, but Kenzie knew that didn't mean she wouldn't be lonely from time to time. When she first got to know her neighbors, she didn't even think that the spoiled little princess could last a minute without Cody by her side. She had expected a full tantrum every time Cody had to leave for work, but there never was one. "Looking pretty as usual, aren't you?" Kenzie quipped, smiling as Lucy beckoned to the seat next to hers. There was a little pang in her heart when she saw Lucy's breakfast setup for one—what the hell was that all about?—but she quickly brushed it off as indigestion. Instead, she oohed in marvel and returned her wide grin, genuinely amused at the girl's adorable preening. "It's like we're at Cody's restaurant," she said as she set down her bowl on the coffee table. She plopped down on the couch gingerly and sat as properly as she could, back straight and legs crossed. "I guess that means we have to eat all fancy." Kenzie made a show of sticking out her pinky as she took a spoonful of cereal, then grabbed one of the napkins on the table to wipe her mouth. "Was that fancy enough, Princess?" she asked with a silly British accent. Just then, there was a knock at the door, followed by the totally unexpected sound of Stella's voice. "Looks like you're popular today," she told Lucy, playfully bopping her on the nose. "I'll get her, go and finish your fancy breakfast." Kenzie made her way to Lucy's front door and opened it for Stella, grinning excitedly. Her flatmate didn't usually bother joining her when she played with Lucy. "Miss me already, Stella?" she joked. She was about the pull her along, but she remembered that she was going to start her new 'announce-everything-so-Stella-won't-get-mad' tactic. Kenzie hoped this would work, because sometimes she really needs a hug and it makes her sad that her roommate doesn't like to give them. "I'm gonna grab your hands, okay?" she warned, although she didn't really wait for her consent before doing it. Before dragging her to where Lucy was she whispered an aside. "I think Lucy's scared of you, and I want her to see you're not scary… well, most of the time." Kenzie laughed at her little jibe, but she really was scared of her flatmate sometimes. She was 109% sure Stella had superpowers (how else could she [i]see[/i] so well when she's blind?!), and sometimes she was worried Stella will use them against her if she pissed her off. With all that said, Kenzie finally led Stella to the living room and presented her to Lucy in an exaggerated manner. "Stella was lonely 'cause I left her by herself. Can she join us here?"