[quote=Lord Wraith] Compaq I agree is cheap, HP's are generally fairly good so long as you don't buy the base models. I exclusively buy HPs and they last me years without problems. I would never ever consider buying an Acer though, Asus however I recommend. In the end, you get what you pay for with computers, so naturally something like an Alienware is going to be far superior. I also don't like Macs but I rely on my computer being able to do AutoCAD which Macs aren't the best suited for. If I was doing Audio and Visual media then I'd get a Mac. [/quote] I only recommend acers because when I was working at a computer shop, the computers I saw the least of were Acer, Dell, Toshiba. HPs and Compaqs though.... dear god did I see a crapton of those. and unlike a toshiba, those suckers have like 6 different types of screws, while a toshiba has 2.