[hider=Character Summary][b]Location: [/b]Eblistan Citadel Dungeon [b]Health:[/b] Afflictions Masked by Adrenaline Rush [b]Inventory:[/b] Crossbow and Light Armor [b]Actions:[/b] Listened to suggestions for courses of action, followed prince out of barracks, now in corridor waiting for someone else to make the first move, will shoot when opening presents itself[/hider] --- “Not up for a little action, Ms? Being alive's no fun if you don't feel it. A good long fight and some cat-and-mouse is good for the soul. Either way, I'm not leaving 'til I got a dozen after me and a fainted lady. Don't know after that.” An elf nearby said. [b]“Ha,” [/b]she scoffed, [b]“Not all of us are so eager for attention,”[/b] She didn’t mean it as in insult, almost admiring his ability to make light of their dire situation. Taking this brief time of respite to load a bolt into her crossbow, she frowned at the amount left in her quiver. Damn guards sold most of them. She rummaged around the barracks some more, but couldn’t find anything besides standard long bow arrows. Of all the times to have compounding hindrances, this would have to be one of the worst. Nessa briefly contemplated searching for a long bow to use in the mean time, but her thoughts were interrupted. Someone else offered a proposal for a new plan of action, but his drunken slur discredited his idea. Rolling her eyes at his enthusiastic sales pitch, Nessa sighed. They really didn’t have time for this. The Minotaur spoke next, suggesting they go to the forest. It wasn’t a terrible idea, but the alluring nymph pointed out it’s flaws. There was no way the pursuit would end once they made it into the forest. Even so, they had no where else to run. Their discussion was cut short as there seemed to be other complications at hand. As he saw the monsters slaughter more of his men, the prince lost his tolerance and wanted to leave them to their own devices. The rest of them lacked the background knowledge to navigate the dungeons, and they couldn’t even dream of getting to the forest unless they made it out of here first. They had no choice but to follow him. [i] “There’s no way in hell he’s abandoning us. If his men had a shred of loyalty left for him, he wouldn’t even be here in the first place. Some prince he is.”[/i] Nessa trailed behind him, but kept her distance. As he staggered down a long corridor, a new adversary appeared. The prince tried to dissuade the warrior, but his effort was futile. Nessa dropped back toward the barracks, drawing her weapon as the disarmed prince retreated past her. [b]“Well this is lovely,” [/b]she spat through gritted teeth. Enveloping her body in a sea of shadows once more, she stepped towards a wall. Not wanting to make herself a direct target, she didn’t shoot until the others began the attack first. After her first shot, she’d have to reload again. She could then try to sprint forward and slip past him to shoot from behind, where there would probably be more openings. Seeing how he had destroyed the prince’s weapon, Nessa assumed their foe had enchanted armor as well as weapons. That or he was incredibly strong. Or both. Either way, it would be hard to pierce through his armor and do any damage. If the others distracted him enough, Nessa could probably even make it past him without ever having to join the fray.