[hider=Character summary] [b]Name/ class:[/b] Shorus the Minotaur [b] Location:[/b] Eblistan's citadel, the guards barracks [b] Actions:[/b] Rescued Rin, Klymi and '9' from the guards attack and collapsed the hallway at that place, barricading the group from future attacks[u] from that direction[/u], returned to the baracks together with Rin, Klymi and '9'. Found the medicine cabinet. [b] Health:[/b] Tired, have medium wounds, still able to fight. [b] Inventory:[/b] 2 heavy axes, steel plate to protect his head, purse with waxing stone and few coins [/hider] Shorus opened his mouth to defend his plan that was criticized by the nymph or as he called her 'The antlered forest lady', but then he heard steel crashing and the lizard shouting [i]"Get up!" [/i] outside the barracks. Shorus grabbed his heavy axes and ran out. As upon exiting the barracks from the opposite side , Shorus immediately saw the lizard-man trying to hold back the attacking guards while the creature with the '9' on his forehead is kneeling fatigued while holding the forest lady. Shorus's first thought was to charge the guards but he was afraid to squish his friends in the process, so instead he raised his left axe and ran into the space between the wall and the collapsed insectoid. The mighty Minotaur dropped his heavy axe directly on the head of the guard who was holding a raised sabre above '9'. Afterwards Shorus pushed '9' together with the nymph he was holding backwards towards the barracks. [b] "Take the giant insect and the forest lady and run back to the barracks!! [/b] shouted the Minotaur towards the lizard-man. After that Shorus charged the attacking guards with full strength, his axes were working as a well balanced pair, protecting from one side, attacking from the other, crashing and chopping. The guards bodies piled up in the hallway like stones in a barricade . But there were just to much guards. [b] Shorus couldn't continue in that rhythm. With one last burst of energy the Minotaur pushed the attacking guards backwards and then crushed the foundations of the hallway walls, making the walls to collapse at this particular point, burying the guards and barely avoiding being buried alive himself. On his way back to the barracks Shorus grabbed the fatigued chitin creature together with the forest lady that was still holding to him from the hands of the lizard-man who was struggling to push them back to the barracks and the four of them entered the barracks together.[/b] The wounded noble man was just calling for everyone to steel themselves, his eyes were full of fear and surprise. [i] "I guess he found out his old friends are not that friendly.."[/i] thought Shorus while adjusting a steel plate to his big head and finding the medicine cabinet by scent.