The aforementioned partner [b]Name:[/b] Jurd Fennsik [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] A rather short fellow, 5 feet 6, seemingly perpetually scruffy and grimy, dressed in tattered, dirty hooded robes which provide good protection from the elements. He has long, raggedy black hair, piercing grey eyes and unkempt facial hair. [b]Personality:[/b] Wary of strangers but friendly and helpful if a bit quiet. Confident of his knowledge and abilities. Enjoys the wilderness. [b]Disabilities:[/b] General lack of athleticism and stamina as a result of his connection to the Earth element, which permanently weakens him rather than simply strain him while casting. [b]Equipment:[/b] The clothes on his back, a number of pouches and bags with a variety of medicinal and poisonous herbs and an enchanted waterskin which can absorb large amounts of water and never weights much. One of the pouches often carries his familiar (see below). [b]History:[/b] Jurd is the youngest offspring of a clan of swamp-dwelling magi. Though their abilities are a far cry from those granted by the celestial bond, they possess a natural affinity to the elements present in their home and have a deep knowledge of flora and fauna. Jurd's life was never too great. His family was tightly knit and never lacked for anything in the swamp, but the villages around their home called them heretics, apostates, witches and warlocks and constantly harassed them. Perhaps the worst part of it all was their hypocrisy, since they would often shamelessly request the clan's help, only to shun them once more them after the deed was done. Jurd left his home when he met one Renee Rootfellen. A traveling fistfighter who spent a few weeks in the swamp battling many of the nastier local creatures and some of the nastier local humans to boot, he was cared for by Jurd's family, most of whom were greatly amused with the punchy man. When he finally decided to leave, Jurd chose to accompany him, fascinated with his daring lifestyle and mostly because he was the first nice person he ever met outside his immediate family. This partnership of Punch n Patchup eventually became strong enough to forge a celestial bond. [b]Paired with:[/b] [url=]Renee Rootfellen[/url] Emotional bond description: Friendship, because everyone else in Jurd's life was either family or a dick, so it makes sense he'd be a bit too attached to his first friend. [b]Preferred element:[/b] Water and Earth, especially in regards to creating and controlling mud, because if you live in a muddy swamp all your life you're bound to get used to it. As long as he has water, he can even turn solid rock or bricks into mud. [b]Casting style:[/b] Long Support, primarily used to shape mud into a full suit of armor which attaches to Renee's Entumecido. The armor not only helps protect Renee from both physical and magical attacks, complimenting his artifact's power to nullify pain, but also increases his physical abilities, making him a much more dangerous combatant. While the armor doesn't take that long to form compared to other long cast spells, Jurd can only employ weak fast cast spells while it's active. The armor is a result of Jurd wishing he could help Renee outside of patching him up after every fight and still has much room to grow. [b]Familiar:[/b] Karom, the man-eating mantis. [b]Familiar species and description/pic:[/b] Regular mantises are dangerous predators. They are surprisingly fast, some are capable of flight and all of them are capable of both ambushing or chasing down their prey, which has been known to include small scorpions, lizards, snakes and even rodents for larger specimens. They use their spiked forelegs to painfully capture and immobilize their targets before tearing them apart at their leisure with their snapping mandibles. Now take one of those, scale it up to human size and give it some magic steroids. Proceed to panic. Karom was originally a perfectly normal large-winged mantis which Jurd kept as a pet, mutated into a magical familiar by the power of a celestial bond. It's never far away from Jurd and obeys his commands, which aren't necessarily spoken. Can change sizes from normal to giant at will, either its own or Jurd's. [b]Other:[/b] Jurd has a good knowledge of flora and fauna, especially those from swampy areas, and knows how to create strong healing poultices and potions, as well as some poisons. He's also fond of chewing a bitter brown leaf of which he seems to have an endless supply of and which stains his mouth yellowish if chewed on for too long. Thankfully, it seems to wash away if he stops and cleans his mouth with some water. The herb has a mild relaxing effect and can be used to make a beverage that helps dulls pain if dried and mixed with boiling water.