[quote=thewizardguy] Right before the afforementioned damage is inflicted, Lu feels her barrier crashing down. Being in the middle of the specially prepared area, the Judge's powers were amplified hundredfold, perhaps thousandfold, and regardless of her magical skill, the sheer force of his magic is enough to absolutely crush her defense. While she was undoubtedly a powerful mage, she was attacking a mage of life and death, who was surrounded by his power source, billions of beings who were willingly regulating and providing magical energy, channeled through special patterns of advanced runes. it was like trying to fight the dragon slayer of fire IN THE SUN. Effectively, what I'm trying to say here is that you picked the wrong place to fight. [/quote] Lu staggered "fuck...." she gasps in pain "so. Disrupting the soular stream through the destruction of this realm wasn't enough?" A voice calls out