[hider=Leena][img=http://avantgardrocks.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/pastelhair2.jpg][/hider] Name: Leena Kovac Age: 23 Species: Ghost Personality: To say that Leena is a bit weird would be an understatement. Often, when others first encounter her, they think she’s not all right in the head. She’s ditzy, overly nice and extremely forgetful. She is often zoning out, thinking about her own world rather than what is around her. Her hobbies are often all she talks about and she has an immense care for animals and everything around her. Easily distracted, one might find it a bit tough to talk to her at first. On the other side of things, Leena is very sweet and, if you can get past her strange behavior, then you’ll see a girl who is just very nervous, stuttering and changing the subject quickly to prevent people from hurting her. Leena is almost too kind, willing to give her help to a perfect stranger just to see them smile. She’s very protective of her friends and anyone who she feels is being treated unfairly. She carries a deep burden from her childhood and that has taught her that the most important thing in life is protecting those you love. When meeting new faces, Leena can just accept them instantly. However most people disregard her almost instantly after speaking. She tends to run her mouth past the point of being normal, never knowing when to shut up until someone tells her to. Even then, it’s sometimes hard to even get a word in when she’s talking. So yeah, there’s that. History: Leena was born and grew up with a single parent, her mother having passed away in childbirth. Her father, was a man devoted to his work, and Leena spent most of her youngest years alone. During her school years she had few friends, bullied and segregated, she was often the one sitting alone at the lunch table She died when she was 17 in a house fire along with her pets, who never left her side. Pets: [hider=George the Great Dane][img= http://www.lnedanes.com/hobieWDoatcrop.jpg] George did not turn into a ghost like his owner, instead he changed to a hell-hound type creature. At night he turns into a skeleton. Otherwise, he seems normal to everyone else. He is bound to Leena and will not ‘pass on’ until she does. [/hider] [hider=Kitty the Cat][img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/f9/34/c9/f934c9660339077c44f5f8c0dd6727d9.jpg] Kitty is also bound to Leena, but just like her owner, she is a regular ghost cat.[/hider] Room number: 2L Room Description: Neatly kept and organized, her walls are a pastel green, white or yellow depending on where you are and each room has a wood floor. She has a grand piano and a violin laying around and also many things for her pets. Years in the Apartments: 2 Any other stuff: Leena has managed to learn how to force parts of her body to become tangible in the human world. She can only do small areas of her body for a very short period of time. For instance, if she wants to move something, she can make her hands ‘real’ to move it. This leaves her drained and she can’t use the power again for a while.