Kyrtaar leaned against the closet door, trying to hide his exhaustion as a careless demeanor. ""You know... most of us don't but... you don't look so good. That magic stuff takes it out of you, huh?" Kyrtaar turned to look at the Half-Elf, and spoke. "My powers uh, are a bit drained. I just need to get under the the open sky." He smiled, wearily. After, he looked at the now drunken sellsword as he pitched his proposal to plunder ruins. It was a enticing offer, but he'd bite his tongue on being over eager to steal from the dead. He had an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and this brush with death had left him pondering on trying to find a way to achieve immortality. As a young Elf, he knew he had hundreds of years of life, before death, and selling his soul for power was an enticing offer. But he realized that no one could out wait celestial beings as a mortal. He would have to try and find a way to push back the taking of his soul. Kyrtaar would talk to Tarwin later. Next, the minotaur suggested they head to the forest. An understandable option. Lots of places to hide, possibly ambush the guards. Food, water if you knew where to look. However, the forest creature offered council against it. Kyrtaar found his gaze lingering on her form. Even in Autumn, during the death of living things, that natural world found ways to be beautiful. Kyrtaar looked away, biting his thumb. It was no secret that Elves often met and dealt with fae and other forest spirits and creatures. But it was also a well known fact that not only men possessed black hearts, and man certainly did not have the lifespan or memory of the forest. Kyrtaar would have to exercise caution with her, but he found common ground with her desire to be under the sun. The Half Elf offered some worthy advice on the forest plan. It may be a village or tribe that Kyrtaar had interacted with. Kyrtaar watched the creature carrying the nymph turn and leave, rather suddenly. The naked prince was visibly sulking. The small lizard offered him some alchemical cure, but the man denied it. Pride was also a powerful poison to swallow. In a heartbeat, several men burst in to attack the creature, and were quickly cut down with but a scream. The effort visibly taxed the beast, and the lizard, and minotaur came rushing to his aid. During this hectic moment, Kyrtaar lost sight of the prince, who turned and left. After a few moments, the minotaur brought the tunnel crumbling down, in an impressive display of strength and force. Kyrtaar turned, and realized three members were missing. Kyrtaar stopped his lean, and felt light headed for a moment, as he steadied himself on the wall. He took a few steps as the prince came rushing back in, shouting, and grabbing a pair of pants. Kyrtaar quickened his pace out the door, and spotted the hulking man, easily a head taller than himself. With the minotaur distracted currently, and the other large creature obviously incapacitated as a fighter from the attack, he saw no quick answer to the man. He did not recognize the being's military stature, as the Elves of Kyrtaar's village rarely interacted with military units, but he could plainly see everyone giving him a wide berth. The man was plodding down the runway, obviously quite certain in his ability to kill them. Kyrtaar stood his ground, and his eyes took on their bright glow. It was going to completely drain him to deal with this, but, he saw no other recourse. He channeled the Eldritch energy into his hand. As he stepped forward, he felt an intense, vulcanic heat in his arm, rippling with solar energy out of his hand. The green ball was big, and hit with the force of a sledgehammer, easily enough to kill a man. Not clad in magic resistant armor. The blast released a heat, and shockwave that could be felt at their end of the hall, releasing a cloud of green vapor. For a moment, Kyrtaar thought he had killed the man outright, but after a few seconds, the man came plodding through, laughing. His armor, was largely intact, save for a hole in his chest plate a few inches across, the direct point of impact. The skin was seared red a bit from the heat, but largely unmarred. Kyrtaar let out a deep sigh, and took a step back, before falling flat on his back, entirely, and utterly exhausted. He croaked out. "Need... sunlight." [Hider=Stuff of note] Made a weakpoint for the boss battle!!11!one!! [/hider]