When the obviously crazy British man came over demanding names, and introducing himself as an Honorary captain, Eric would just point as his nametape, and read aloud "Ruven. Airman, Ruven." Once the elevator started to descend however, Ruven could barely contain his excitement. He felt like he was in a movie. They were going to go into some secret underground military bunker, and grab some giant laser cannons, and go kill some aliens. Or something. Anything really. Doesn't matter when you use laser cannons. However, he quickly realized if this was a movie, it was a home movie. The elevator lead to vastly unfinished projects. Ruven felt deflated from it, and quietly exited the elevator. He followed the signs and group, flashing his badge to get through the security checkpoints, a little shocked at how utterly dirty it was. He thought the job hasty and unprofessional, and hoped this would be a short loan. A quick tour, and then right back on home. When they passed through the mess hall however, he quickly jogged off from the group, and acquired a sandwich, he rejoined the group, and once he made it to the barracks, chose a bed on the end of the room, sitting down on it.