Kozue had been deeply engrossed in the word game he'd been playing on his phone, and hadn't noticed Akira re-enter the room. He was startled when the other boy suddenly spoke and jumped a bit, causing the chair he was leaning back in to teeter for a few heart-stopping moments before it settled safely on all four legs. See, this was why he didn't normally talk to people. If you just came up to someone and started talking to them, you could potentially make them fall and die in a traumatic chair accident. After taking a few moments to recover from his mini heart attack, Kozue turned to look properly at Akira; he'd been so concerned with not dying that he hadn't actually processed what Akira had said. "I, uh. I didn't quite catch that. What?" He looked to Yori for help, which he did not receive, because Yori was drawing and not paying attention to Akira either. Thanks, Yori.