[quote=supertinyking] "...........bought time?....I guess so....good bye...friends......." Leeroy thinks, before his body begins to shrink, or more accurately, implode, shrink, minimize. All these words seem to fit what was happening to the wooden man's body. The soul contained in him, his kind soul, in tatters, fading. This, was most likely his last moments."......Hive storage." Honey says, in a melodious tones, similar to an opera singer. Then, Leeroy's body breaks apart, into bees, which flood into Honey, as does many of the roaming souls surrounding the area."...Get out of my kingdom you filth." Honey says, her voice now deep, and somewhat gravelly. It is obvious, she isn't the one speaking...not anymore. [/quote] ((Took you long enough. -_-)) honey and leeroy then notice the severely injured colorless little girl, the masked warrior, and a mysterious cloaked short guy