[quote=Jerkchicken] Sorry for the delay I was just flipping through the book and had to do errands.Well they'd be handled by spending Destiny which is its jargon for XP for the char gen. You'd get the appropriate stuff and the lore along with it. The dojotsu stuff would be handled as internal kung-fus as internals are the stuff for doing that's like magic more or less like the one in the book that lets you firebend more or less with fire chi.Speaking of chi might tweak it a bit to fit it better with the naruto chakras although they more or less are the same thing. Might edit some of the archetypes in the book or just straight up do something new with character making. [/quote] Sounds good. Perhaps we could further discuss this over skype from now on? Then we can set whatever houserules, setting and whatever that we need and then perhaps make my character before we then start getting other players in with us. Then they could look at my character as an example and stuff. Pm me your skype and then ill add you. I might go to bed soon however so we might need to do all of that tomorow.