Akira blinked as Kozue, apparently scared shitless, almost fell backwards in his chair. Yori didn't even seem to notice that Akira existed. The sign of a great man. A man after Akira's own heart. Akira could admire a man like that. He didn't. But he could. Akira turned to face Kozue directly. The guy seemed really nervous, for some reason. Could he be the culprit? If so, he had to be brought to justice. It was the only thing Akira was willing to expend effort on. "You see, there is a small box, created by a great man." Akira made a vague gesture to indicate the box. "This box contains the heart and soul of music. I was entrusted to keep it safe. I left it at my desk, but it is no longer at my desk." Akira pointed to the protagonist seat. "If I fail to recover it, some evil force may acquire it, and call my taste in music lame. This must be prevented at all costs." Akira leaned in uncomfortably close to Kozue, resting his elbows on the desk, eyes wide and unblinking. "Do you know anything?"