Now on the list of things that were not okay, how close Akira was getting to Kozue was definitely not okay. He leaned back to match how Akira was leaning forward, keeping hold of his desk just in case his chair decided to start any more shenanigans. "That... sounds like a video game quest. I don't really play video games." Kozue tried to smile disarmingly. It looked and felt forced. "I dunno, man. We're not even in the same class, why would I know?" Actually, one of those video game features where you could just press 'X' to skip past a conversation was sounding pretty good right about now. "Yeah. I-dee-kay, as they say." Kozue didn't know anyone who actually used chatspeak in real life, other than some of the girls who liked to crowd around his brother after baseball games, but a nice vague "they" made it sound like he had people on his side, right?