Hello there. Here is a list of things I'm interested in but before I get to that I want to go over a few rules. 1) I'm only looking for male characters. I play female characters as I'm not too great at playing guys yet. 2) I prefer only to play one character. This doesn't count background characters. 3) All themes will be mature. I prefer to RP everything, not the fade to black stuff. 4) At least a solid paragraph a post. The more you give me the more I'll give you back. 5) Please don't disappear without warning, if you don't like where it's going or are going to be busy just let me know. And I think that just about covers it off the top of my head. Now on to the more interesting stuff. [u][b]Fandoms[/b][/u] One Piece - OC/OC MLP - Princess/OC/OC MLP Humanised - Princess/OC/OC Bioshock - OC/OC Fallout - OC/OC (Full) The Last of Us - OC/OC Half Life - OC/OC Sonic - OC/OC Pokemon - OC/OC (Full) Avatar Airbender / Korra - OC/OC The Walking Dead - OC/OC Anthro - OC/OC As you can tell I like OC's ... I'll probably add more to this as I think of more things.