So, I've looked around the guild a bit and i didn't seem to find many Rp's based on anime. I decided i should make one, an Rp based on the popular anime Fairy Tail. This rp would be base after 100+ years after the cannon story line. Since I'm not a fan of playing actual characters, this Rp will definitely be non-cannon. I've only thought of a few ideas when in terms of plot. If you've watched the anime you know theres a new arc around every 25 episodes, so I was thinking of letting you guys come up with some story arc ideas and we can play them one after another. The downside to that, is this Rp would need dedicated Rpers. For those of you who do not know about the anime Fiary Tail, than here is a brief description. [hider=FairyTail] "In a land far far away lies the the kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of 17 million and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every market place, for most magic is a merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to it's practice. These, are the wizards of Fiore. Banded together into magical guilds, They strengthen their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore. But, there is a certain guild, in a certain town the soars high above the rest. One, from witch countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt, continue to create legends well into the future. It's name, is Fairy Tail." Magical abilities vary from one person to the next. Magic can be used for many different things, such as offense, defense, support or healing. There are to main classifications of magic: Holder Magic and Caster Magic. Within these two magic's there are hundreds of sub catagories. [u]Caster Magic[/u], is magic that is expelled from the body as oppose to magic done through a weapon or outside source. An example would be Fire magic that is shot from the caster's hands. [u]Holder Magic[/u], Is magic that requires a mage to use external source to produce the magic. It usually requires the use of magic power. An example would be Charm magic, In order for a mage to use this magic, he/she would need a charm ring. The Fairy Tail guild hold lots of extremely strong magic users. But, a strong guild always has strong foes. Fairy Tail members, rise to stardom by completing quests given to them by the public, these quest's are posted on the Request Board. The quest paper usually contains the name of the person sending the request, the reward, the location to meet the person sending the request, and their problem. For a list of magic abilities & a more in depth explanation of magic Here is the Wiki page[url=] Here is the Wiki page that explains Fairy Tail more in depth [url=] [/hider] Some story arc ideas: [*] the Demise Guild, has plagued the kingdom of Fiore with a darkness spell. Making people turn on each other. It's up to the Fairy Tail guild to put a stop to it. [/*] [*] An ancient artifact has been found, and it is said to hold immense magical power. Fairy Tail, like all other guilds, are on the hunt for this artifact. [/*] That's all I got for now. If you have any ideas for story arcs, feel free the Pm them to me. So, if you want to be apart of this Fairy Tail rp with me, show some interest :P