[i]“Haha, of course I’m alright! No need to worry, I’m fifty percent metal. The other fifty percent is piss and vinegar.”[/i] Marina may not have been the smartest person around, but she could tell when someone was putting on a brave face – She had done it so much herself, after all. It made sense for Church to do it though. Church [i]was[/i] brave, he had everyone’s interests in mind. He needed to keep morale up. She wouldn’t point it out; Marina simply did she always did and put on a smile. Klaus nodded slowly in response, “Hah, you have a point there, Church…” With a stretch and a grunt, Klaus chuckled wearily, “Think I’m going to try and get some sleep. Gute nacht, everyone,” He lay his head down and was soon drifting off. “Ja, I’m sleepy as well, I’ll head to bed too. Gute nacht!” Marina chirped cheerfully, curling up in her sleeping bag. But in truth, Marina wasn’t tired. She had tried her best to hide it behind her usual bravado and cheeriness, but she was nervous. She had no idea what was in store for them all tomorrow. Any number of things could happen; Church mentioned a shotgun preacher being a possibility, after all. Marina had been lucky with Tabitha – She was too into her dominatrix routine to get out the pistol Marina had spotted on her. No amount of bravado and wise-cracking would save her from a bullet. She’d be crippled in an instant, at best. Marina let out a heavy breath and shut her eyes tight. [i]”Nein. Nein. I have to stop this kind of thinking… I got over this before, I did all that training. I’m ready for anything. I’m the best. The best…”[/i]