"Whoa. The girl has changed shape and teleported to the other... oh. Right." Haruka mentally slapped her forehead. In her lapse of attention, Mitsuki had already left, and there was another girl beside her now. "Eh? Hey, you're Suzume-chan, right? Uhm..." where did she know her from? She recognized her, and put the name to her face, but why... "Ah... right. We were in the same classroom last year. Hello," she said, waving to the girl in front of her. She turned back towards the old building. "It must be one of the Seven Mysteries of Shin'youju. Or maybe it's all the Seven Mysteries. You know, they must all be hiding in that building, those mysteries." Haruka yawned again. Eh? Haruka wasn't sleepy. Nope. It was a... boredom yawn. Yeah that was it. She was kind of bored right now. "I'm kind of bored right now. Say, Suzume-chan, do you want to see what's going on in the old school building? We can come back at night, because the barricade opens up then... ehh... ah, not that I would know. That's just what I've heard." Haruka turned when she heard someone else calling from behind them. "Ah... Sho. Toby. Hello." Haruka was good with names, even those of people she didn't know that well. No, that's not strange at all.