@Embluss: Okies, fair enough on the FTL, I'll remove that. And weapon jamming would be a transmitted electronic viral attack that would effect the main weapon cooling systems and loading algorithms of the automated run time processes. Basically, if the weapon had a safety mechanism to prevent accidental damage due to the failures of these components, they would be automatically shut off. Of course, if the software OS had automated code repair (which feasibly, any ship with sufficient reliance on sustained and reliable weapons fire would need in this sci fi RP), or technicians on the target ship who could load and install hardened back up copies of the original algorithms, the weapon jam damage could be repaired in, perhaps, a short amount of time. It's all reliant on how quickly they can detect the problem and neutralize the threat, it's not a fool proof "Guaranteed broken guns" kind of EW suite (more balanced). That's basically how the entirety of the Ljus' Electronic Warfare suites work: Transmitted software viruses that cause errors in the ships automated systems. These viruses could, in theory, also cause ship reacotr shut offs, or even meltdowns, but I excluded those abilities purely because it's not fair to have a ship that could blow up another easily.