“Ha,” the dark elf scoffed, “Not all of us are so eager for attention.” Wisdom laughed, [b]"That's what makes me a rare commodity."[/b] Doing all the jobs no one else would risk their neck for vastly opened his career's niche. The march of feet rolled in, and his muscles tensed. People were just begging for the elf to play, today. The Oenann sword fluttered from Wisdom's grip, jumping to bite at the crew rattling closer to the door. It whispered dreams to his swordhand of the cuts, swipes, and charges, the slams down on an open wound.[b] "Company's here."[/b] His knees loosened and bent, making him stoop as he neared, feet bouncing for the new fight. The big "bug" caught the sound too late, swiveling with ten or more men at the throat. Just as Wisdom stepped forward to cut them down, the thing foamed light from the eyes, head pulsing, and gargled and blasted it from its jaws. [i]'Magic...'[/i] The screech of busted doors was nothing to the wail Four-Arms made. Wisdom's teeth pressed hard enough to make the jaw sore, and his left hand reached for his ear.[b] "For the love of every damn spirit..."[/b] The men screamed sicker than any Wisdom'd heard in his short hundred years, noses running with blood, and by the end they piled on the ground, looking good as dead 'sides the infrequent breaths from the chest. The Oenann himself was sucking in greedy breaths. [b]"...Could you spare our ears next time?"[/b] The blue-veins man was revving into another disgusted fit at the sight. "Find your own way out, you savages." [b]This[/b] again. The weak restraint the rash man had was whisked away with the ringing ears and the spur of rage. Wisdom pushed his tongue against his canines and stalked after the prissy man that was unfortunately his guide. [b]"Hey, lil' prison runt, get that head out of your bare, self righteous dumb ass. Half the crew - [i]including me![/i] - hasn't poked a soul, and the only reason your pretty fingers look clean is 'cause the rest killed the guards [i]for[/i] you. Trying to write us off like you're bet-"[/b] Wisdom's frustrated thin face squinted down the hall. A large silhouette in thick armor walled the narrow hallway, cutting its end short. When the naked man spoke, Wisdom's bug eyes bolted open. He was one of Eblistan's Princes? There wasn't a minute to mull on that, as the hulking block was flying in like a bad dream, and Prince running scared like a joke. Wisdom backed out the distance he'd made to give way for the first and prepared for the second. The gang clutched to walls and scuttled to corners, green-eyes made a shot for the armor - feeble to the one before - and did nothing but warm it to a dull red. The bug mercifully didn't scream. The giant black form knocked the metal man down like a toy soldier, sinking the talon through the soft armor and into the chest. Wisdom barely heard screams, the warrior smashed the fat hammer against the piercing claw until it popped and bled. [b]Wisdom didn't wait. The lanky form cut to a quick start and slammed forward with both hands on the hilt. Teeth and bodily fluid traded sides, and the elf saw the bug creature back away from the edge of his sight. Acid dug into the warrior's face as he raged a broken battle cry, his words muddy fog to Wisdom's pointed ears. The foe's quick hand still saw Wisdom coming, and began to heave the hammer for his side. It may as well have been a butterfly. The elf split the longsword through the softened chest and sliced it out like through bread, and made arm and hammer weep backward. Incomprehensible cusses were the fading prayer to the Eblistani's afterlife, and Wisdom cut his pain early by sprinting out and throwing his weight into the blade as it cut into the throat. The Oenann popped to the left of the mutilated corpse and breathed out half a laugh. Wisdom's filled brown eyes went to the Prince, and one heavy brow creased deep into his forehead expectedly. "Well, my lord, Prince," Wisdom's hand wrapped tight around his sword to free it, and began to swing it out,"we did the fight for you, aga- [i]AGH![/i]"A repressed scream cut him short as acid spattered on his forearm. He wrung his left arm spastically, cussing under his breath, gaze flicking to the bug's film wrap at the sword's end, then a look of horror to the culprit. "Did you just ruin my sword!?"[/b] [indent]- - -[/indent] [hider=Summary] Wisdom speaks to Nessa Anarae, 9 briefly. Picks a fight with Mundhir Sadek. Takes down World Breaker. Gets acid on left forearm and sword. [/hider]