[quote=YipeeXD] Low, mid, or high casual? [/quote] High casual. I'm a reasonable guy, so I'm not expecting people to write six full paragraphs for every post, but I will enforce the usual Casual rules with a few extra ones to up the general quality. I won't accept any players who do not have a firm grasp of the written English language; I'll expect capital letters where they belong, the correct use of speech marks and an introductory post with at least three decent sized paragraphs. Beyond that, I'm pretty easy. I'm certainly not going to kick people from the RP for mis-spelling words or anything like that, though repeat offenders might get a quick PM and a link to an online dictionary. [quote=Note] Sounds really cool so far! I also like the New Orleans idea for a setting, but I have a few questions. Will you kill off characters very often or occasionally? I think the "Character can die at any moment" concept is great, but will characters just die and die every few posts or last long enough to give their deaths some meaning/impact? [/quote] When I say that a character can die at any moment, I simply mean that none of our characters will have the standard RP plot armour and I won't stand for any "I don't want my character to die, so here's some bullshit reason why he doesn't!" nonsense. It doesn't mean that I'm going to kill off characters left right and centre, but it does mean that, for example, if our party is attacked by a horde of walkers and one character offers to serve as a distraction and lure them away from the rest of the party, and the last time we see him he's wading through a sea of the dead waving his arms and wildly hacking at passing walkers, there's a very high likelihood that it'll be the last time we see that individual alive. The same is true of any situation in which people are put in harm's way. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to kill everyone who gets into that sort of situation. Drama and excitement being what they are, sometimes it's just more awesome if people heroically survive against the odds, so.. watch out for that! As for enforcing character death, if I feel you've put your character into a dangerous situation and that death should be the result of that situation, I will PM you ahead of time to let you know that death is coming and allow you to plan for it in your posts. I'll be using the PM function a lot in a DM role if I need to pass on information that the rest of the party won't necessarily know about, and then it's up to you to share it or not, e.g. if you were in the thick of fighting a horde of the dead and you lose your weapon I might PM you to let you know that your character was bit on the hand while grappling with a walker. It's then up to the player to choose the character's choice of action, whether he tries to chop off the arm or decides to tell the group he's been bit and offer to kill himself, or even if they decide to hide it for as long as they can and hope for the best. [quote=Note] Also, (since you mentioned Telltale) are you planning to make the RP Episodic? [/quote] I hadn't planned to, but I suppose it will be episodic in it's own way. There will be periods of downtime between major plot events, the occasional timeskip if we need to cover a long distance, etc. Again, if enough people want it done a certain way, I'll do it that way, but it wasn't my intention. Thanks for all the interest and the questions, guys. You've given me some good ideas and some interesting things to think about. Also, it seems that New Orleans is a firm favourite, so I'll go ahead and say.. Yeah, we'll begin the RP in or near New Orleans.