[Hider=character summary] Location: barracks Health: same Inventory: same Actions: spoke to the group, helped kyrtaar stand.[/hider] Aevah was understandably relieved when the World Breaker was destroyed without her having to lift a finger. However, the victory didn't come without its share of losses. The bug thing was badly injured, Tarwin was drunk, the fae looked as though she was dying, the green eyed elf looked completely drained, the other mixed breed had lost his sword, and the Prince was still suffering from poison. Whatever hope she had held out on using him later as a bargaining chip was dashed now that she had seen a World Breaker turn on him whilst obviously knowing who he was... something fishy was going on here. She sighed, helping those injured would mean slowing their group down but they had just risked their lives for hers, without them she would quite honestly be dead right now... She owed a debt, like it or not. [B]She moved to the green eyed elf and knelt somewhat to slip his arm over her shoulders and help him stand.[/b] She turned to Rin, [b]"Would you be willing to carry the Fae if she and her odd companion will let you? I don't think the big... thing is in any shape to keep carrying her itself."[/b] She glanced at Shorus, reluctant to tell anyone his size what to do. Still, they needed his help... [b]"Uh, Bull-guy... can you help Mr. Bug along till we run into our next bought of trouble?"[/b] She turned back to her green-eyed elven companion and smiled tiredly, [b]" I'm Aevah by the way... I'll be your escort this evening. All jokes aside though, can you walk like this?"[/B] She frowned at the Prince as she calculated their odds without him or his without them... Neither were very promising, [B]"No offense meant but mayhaps now would be a good time to at least put on a breast plate and grab another blade since apparently someone on your team wants you dead and seems to have enough money to ensure that it happens."[/B] She shrugged, [B]"Unless of course you still plan to fight your own way out.. Good luck on that end though. At least with us you might actually make it to your father to alert him of this mess. As I said, someone must have paid these guards handsomely to keep their own Prince here...they won't just let you waltz out... Whatever you may think of us, we are just trying to survive. If we could get out without killing we would."[/b] With that small attempt at peace-making done she shifted her grip on the green-eyed elf to better distribute his weight as she locked the arm not holding his around her shoulders, around his waist to keep him upright. [B]"Whatever we are doing we had better move before more of those," she nodded at the dead World Breaker, "catch up with the first."[/b]