"Well... We probably should. But I have other places I could set up." Nina watched the man go, arms crossed and a rather irritated look on her face now that he had left. Once he was out of eye shot she stuck her tongue out exaggeratedly in his direction in an act of childish defiance. At the question of her name Nina turned to the boy, fully ready to answer when she noticed him staring right into her eyes. She shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. When he bowed she jumped a little. For some reason she still wasn't used to the customs of this country even after being here for so long. To her everyone was so needlessly formal. "Uh.. My name? Name... Nina. My name is Nina." Nina stood there staring for a moment. In fact she completely spaced out for a moment before shaking her head violently and putting on a nervous smile while a little colour came to her cheeks. She stuck out her hand in the attempt of a handshake with this new boy. "It's um... Nice to meet you, Rei. You have a nice name. I'm watching an anime where one of the characters is named Rei. He's kind of weird though... N-not that your weird or anything... uh..." Her hand sunk a little, her face turning bright pink. "Um. I'm sorry. I'm really awkward hahah...."