"That was more than a short delay, hopefully Yarsin is still willing to meet us." Micheal said as he started walking toward the meeting place. The red sand shipment was delayed, twice. Although he wanted to burn down the ship and make sure the red sand runners never saw the light of day again, he needed them for transportation. Not to mention he didn't want to burn any bridges, especially against Aria and his two teammates. The Client told us that he'd reached out to other candidates and that they would meet them at Illium. [i]"Again, a very resourceful motherfucker."[/i] Alexa and Kali were walking beside him, "The others should be at the meeting place by now, let's greet them." he heard three people arguing and assumed they were the backup. [i]"Dear god....."[/i] The mercs that the Client hired were.... different. A shy turian who stutters, a bloodthirsty krogan, and a confused quarian, but then again he did hire him, Kali and Alexa. "Hello, I'm guessing you three are the others the Client hired? We're the original three that were invited, I'm assuming he didn't tell you anything, he sure didn't tell us anything." He's never seen any of these people before, but then again, neither Kali nor Alexa had ever heard of him before. He decided to wait for their responses before talking again.