[b]Sister Arturia of the Order of the Argent Shroud[/b] Sister Arturia was a little agitated, really. There they were, wasting time talking to that rogue trader when there were other, more important things they could be doing. Everywhere there were heretics who needed to be shown the light or, more likely, the cleansing flames of the Emperor. Still, she kept on edge; even if she would rather be waging glorious battle against the enemies of mankind right now, she did not want to bring shame to her Order by failing to follow the commands of an Inquisitor. And so, when she noticed the armed man staring at them, she instantly raised her blessed Godwin-De'az Bolter and aimed at right at him, her finger gently squeezing the trigger enough to show that she was serious without actually firing yet. "In the name of the Ecclesiarchy, lower your weapon and step into the Emperor's light!" she yelled, steely eyes staring straight at the unknown voyeur. "Only a heretic would skulk in the shadows like that! Step forward and state your intent, lest you feel the wrath of the Emperor!"