Nina was caught off guard by his passive response and smiled awkwardly. "Er.. yah. It's pretty good... Well... Not that magical girl stuff or the um... Gundam? Giant Robot... stuff. I'm not so fond of that. Or the fan service ones. Those are kind of dumb." She rambled for a few moments under her breath until he asked her where she was from. "Oh uh... That way." She pointed to the south, in the direction of her home. "Er and no... Well... Not exactly... My mum's kind of a weeaboo so we moved here about five years ago. And i've been home schooled forever so that just sort of continued. My dad said that bullying is bad in schools here. Especially for foreign students so I didn't get to go to real school like I was supposed to in high school." She followed him carefully, keeping about a step behind him. At one point she noticed he was struggling with how much he was carrying. "Er... Would you like some help? I could carry something for you?" She offered sheepishly, hands at the ready in case he were to drop anything. Nina kept a careful eye on Shu-shu but one she saw how carefully he carried the little rabbit she smiled softly and relaxed a little.