Suichiro followed Yoshikuni back to the shade tree after the girl listening to music explained how she had to use the bathroom and left. Whisker immediately stopped sniffing at her and returned to her place on Suichi's shoulders. "Ouch! Whisker!" Suichi winced as claws dug into his shoulders as Whisker found a comfortable spot and then settled down retracting her claws. He wiped a couple tears from his face and looked at Yoshikuni. "So, uh what's your name?" Now that the band had arrived he wanted to know before they started playing music. Just as he finished asking when the Commander called him out as the one in charge of this next mission. He felt less happy about the fact that the others would be backing him up. If he was dealing with a skittish Spirit then he'd prefer to go it alone. Neither of his coworkers were fit for dealing with a Spirit that scares easily. He then noticed Mayumi making her way over to him. Whisker let out a yowl right next to his ear with the earpiece and looked directly at Yoshikuni practically begging for attention. Suichi rolled his eyes at her and shook his head. "I swear..." He looked around the area looking for someone that would match the description of last week's Spirit. He then looked at Yoshikuni apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'd love to get to know you better, but I just realized that a friend of mine might be here, so I really should go and find her." He then walked towards the crowd.