She opened her eyes, blinking as the canopy of her bed focused into view. How odd.... Such a dream was not like her. What was that drivel about some sort of.... game. A competition of sorts to become.... what did that man say again? Some sort of... Earth Champion. The Champion of Earth. Except everyone on earth was rotten, so a champion like that was not someone she wanted to be. Who was that person? With trembling hands she felt around her bed, searching for her boar doll, finally feeling its thick cloth mane and pulling it to her. With such power, what would she be able to do? Smiling wistfully at what she thought was a simple dream, she closed her eyes again, and drifted off to sleep. [center]***[/center] Breakfast was the usual affair, delicious, tasty, and full of flavor. But she wasn't much for eating, and only ate until she felt it was enough. One does not overeat if one wants to stay healthy. And after breakfast, and when everything is cleared from her room.... She was alone again. She sat down on a chair, feeling the plump cushion sink as she sat back against it. The new maid came in, and sat across her. There was almost literally nothing to do, so she had taken a liking to this new maid, for she was... obedient, and easy to command, worth quite a bit of fun. Perhaps that was why they kept sending her to Vilka's room. "Shall we play?" [center]***[/center] Vilka Millings had lost track of how long it had been. It had been quite some time after that incident, at least a few months or so. How long were they going to keep her in here? It felt like she was dying slowly, suffocated by the drabness of her own room. Everything that could have linked her to the outside was taken. Her phone, her computer, her laptop. even the television. It was as if they were trying to deprive her of everything and bore her to death. The maid, though fun, wasn't very durable, she had thought as she watched the young maid sleep on her lap. But she was the best of the whole lot of servants in this house. Her eyes were clear, and she was easy to read, plus she never seemed to have any... misconception towards her. Odd... and very rare for such a trusting being to even exist. The only one she could talk to in this nest of lies and deceit. Just like James. Vilka gave the maid a light slap on the cheeks, waking her with a start. She looked towards the clock ticking on Vilka's wall, realized it was getting late, and hurriedly smoothed down her clothes. With a gracious bow, she left the room, the door locking behind her. The door would be locked at all time, except when the young maid needs to either enter or exit the room, so there was no chance of Vilka to escape that way. Outside her window is a two story drop, and if she manages to get past those, she had dogs outside that haven't seen her for however long she was in here, so she was sure that their fits of euphoria upon seeing her again would set them barking, alerting the guards posted outside. With a sigh, she collapsed on her bed, and shut the lights. No use fretting over it now. Besides, as boring as it was in here, outside was rife with the evilness that was humans. [center]***[/center] The darkness.... was strange. It was as if she was standing on darkness itself, not enveloped by it. This was obviously another dream; each step she took made no sound, and she was afraid to look closer at what she was standing on. Vilka approached the armored figure, as it seem to wait patiently for her. "Dost thou hath an answer?" It asked in a regal voice. It was the PhyKnight, the very same one in the dream that woke her up early in the morning. "Yes. I lack entertainment in my waking world, it is only fair that my dreams should entertain me." All of a sudden she felt a touch of vertigo as her vision darkened, her body felt as if it was spinning, yet her eyes told her she wasn't moving. The whole dissonance of her senses threatened to expel her dinner out in a violent surge, until she stopped moving(or stopped feeling that she was moving) and her vision brightened to a watery view of what seemed to be tempered glass. A quick glance told her she was in a glass tube filled with liquid, and that there was someone in the room with her. [i]Where... where am I? Am I in a dre-[/i] "GAARKH!" Her body suddenly felt tight... full, and she felt herself panicking as she struggled in the tank. The liquid turned murky, the darkness appearing to seep out of her eyes, her mouth, even out her ears. The tube cracked once, before exploding in a cloud of liquid and pieces of the tube. Her mind was gone, pain seemed to fill every inch of her body, with even her mind screaming for release. The her body, shrouded with darkness, did not make one step forwards however, as swords flew out of nowhere, slamming her against the wall, seemingly absorbing the shroud enveloping her. Within moments, she was free of the shroud, and the swords disappeared. Vilka finally expelled her dinner violently, leaning on the wall for support. "Who..." She turned to see a familiar sight, the PhyKnight looking down at her, waiting for her to recover. However, she was more interested in the black garb she was wearing at the moment, a black garb resembling that of a nun, complete with the headpiece. It was comfortable, but it also felt strangely... alive. "What..?"