Aaron's eyes slowly cracked open. The morning light dimly glowed through the filthy window. He slowly and quietly rose to his feet. In a crouched pose, he approached the window and cautiously looked down at the street. As usual, it was empty. He turned away from the window and walked back to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and held a hand to his aching head. He stayed in that position for about ten minutes. He finally lowered his hand and stood up. He walked over to the stairs and pulled away the chairs he used as a barricade. He paused at the top of the stairs and listened for a sound. Except for the birds chirping outside, absolute silence. He slowly stepped down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, he walked to the front door and opened it gently. He looked up and down the street, but it was still empty. Feeling a little relaxed, he walked to the middle of the street and made his way along the neighborhood. He examined the houses he passed, hoping to find a good place to stay at. He continued walking for about an hour, grimly realizing that all the houses in this neighborhood were already raided. Finding a side street, he decided to escape from the neighborhood and hopefully find a few houses with resources in them. He stepped onto a street with a decent amount of shops. A lot of the stores here wouldn't be of much help, but he paused when he spotted a grocery store nearby. He frowned when he saw the shattered windows and broken door. It must have been raided many times over. He sighed. He was feeling somewhat desperate, however, so he decided it was worth the try. He approached the store and carefully stepped over the broken glass and into the store. The morning light didn't reach inside the grocery store, and thus it was quite dark. He looked around the aisles, hoping to find something in the dark. He noticed one of the smaller shelves had been knocked over. He walked over to it, crouched down, and carefully lifted the shelf slightly. He paused as he heard something rolling around. It was close; was it under the shelf? With one arm holding up the shelf, he lowered himself and looked under. A can! He desperately reached out and snatched it out from under the shelf. He stood up as he let the shelf drop. He flinched at the loud noise. He turned his attention back to the can. It was canned macaroni and cheese. It wasn't much, but it would do for now. He stepped out of the grocery store and made his way down the street, passing a pet store.