[hider=Character Summery.] Location: The dungeons Health: Good now he's eaten Equipment: Traveling gear, climbing rope, his sword. [/hider] Tarwin smiled a little as the rest of the prisoners showed up, he lowered his blade and stepped back to allow the beasts to do their work. His plan to lure the world breaker into a more aggressive stance and thereby lowering his guard had succeeded, as he went back down the corridor he overheard one of the others, the girl who had sat back with the prince, talk about finding and warning the king. Then a brilliant idea popped into his intoxicated mind, they were inside the citadel, one of the most securely defended structures in the known world, but the defences were focused on keeping things out and not on monitoring what went on inside. In short the valuables that the king sat upon were as close to his reach as they ever would be, he'd be a fool not to try and make some profit, and what would they do? Lock him up? As the group turned their attention to the wounded member of the party Tarwin raised his voice to get some attention. "I'm going to run on ahead and Er...Scout the route out." He moved over to an unconscious guard who had been knocked aside by the bull and took the helmet he wore as well as the leather jacket that bore the guard's insignia. "I should be able to blend in with this, find a way out with as few guards as possible." He turned and made his way swiftly down the hallway, glancing over his shoulder to shout. "If I don't come back just assume I'm in trouble and find another way out." He thought for a moment before adding. "...Or come and rescue me, yeah do that." Stepping over the corpse of the presumably 'elite' guard, Tarwin hurried down the corridor, coming up with the best way to get past the guards and possibly convince then to do something to make it easier for the others to escape. While he certainly wasn't the most honourable person he did kind of owe those guys one and he'd feel bad if he was the only one to escape. Soon enough he exited the corridor and came face to face with a group of 20 or so guards hurrying the opposite way to him. "Stop! Stop" He cried, waving his arms to get their attention, they did as he said and their leader stepped forward, a captain. Tarwin gave a sharp salute and in his most formal voice possible said. "I bring word from the dungeons, the corridor has collapsed back there, we need to go around and cut them off before they make it to the eastern gate!" The captain looked about to say something but Tarwin interrupted. "No time to talk this whole area's unstable! I think I'm the only one who got out!" The captain nodded and quickly barked orders for the guards to pull back and loop around, they would likely pass on the 'news' and clear the way for his comrades. After following the group for a while he spoke with the captain. "I was told to bring reinforcements from the king's personal guard, the ones stationed at the treasury, where might I locate them?" The captain looked slightly confused but given he'd never faced a situation like this before he shrugged it off and gave him the directions. With a smug grin on his face Tarwin set off for what he assumed was going to be an entire hall of gold and jewels, when he arrived however he was disappointed a simple locked door with two guards outside. Giving another salute to the guards Tarwin turned on a panicking tone before running up to them and gasping. "You need to hurry to the east gate, the prisoners have broken out and two huge beasts are leading an escape! We need all the soldiers we can spare!" The two guards glanced at each other before nodding and heading off down the corridor, once they were gone he gave a hard kick to the door, breaking the lock after a few tries and letting it swing open...Safe boxes. Row after row of steel containers each housing a small fortune and almost impossible to open without a key, giving a scream of drunken anger Tarwin grabbed one of the safe boxes and pulled it over, a loud crash echoed through the halls and he knew guards would soon come to investigate. Cursing loudly he turned and rushed down the maze of corridors, trying to get as far away from the crime scene as he could. Not even a single coin profit for the effort he'd been through.