--- Aaron Mendoza He is around 19 years old Male [hider=Me] [/hider] --- Weapons: His primary weapon is a Rapier, which is mostly used as a Melee weapon for him, but his Rapiers other form is a Gunblade. With some difficulty he can transform his Rapier into a Gunblade and shoot Bullets. Also only one form is usable at a time, and the time that is needed to change forms is about, one post to one and a Half post. [hider=Rapier & Gunblade] [img=http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b16/cmelanese/rapier.jpg] [/img] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/100/0/c/final_fantasy_xiii_2_lightning_s_gunblade_3d_model_by_ptornot-d614erq.jpg] [/img] [/hider] --- Warrior - Level 1 Elemental Ratio: (30 Water) Skills: [Water - Skill]