Min had to admit, she was pretty peeved to have been fired so abruptly. She had finished working on Elysium for three weeks to see if a group of farmers looking to unionize were actually eco-terrorists. To her great pleasure, after carefully combing through every hidden record and the ExtraNet search history of the leaders (Who were apparently more interested in Asari-Hanar tentacle porn than unionizing), in addition to gaining the trust of the leader, Min found that they were in fact ordinary farmers, and the Shadow Broker was probably getting senile. After returning to the Broker's Base, she had been doing paperwork on the incident for the past day. And her thanks for all the fruitless work? "Your services are no longer needed. You have twenty minutes to leave the ship or you will be killed". Min gathered her things and took the shuttle that the Shadow Broker had supplied for her, half expecting for there to be an 'accident' with the shuttle that would leave her dead in space. But the shuttle took her to the Citadel, of all places. She was told as she was being whisked to the Council Chambers that she was being considered for a spectre position, and that her service with C-Sec and honorable service as a detective with Discovery Co. made her an ideal candidate for handling more subtle matters that didn't require someone shooting up the place. Min wasn't in the Chambers much longer than Galen. "Who invited Big Ben?" She asked nobody in particular. "My feet hurt," she whispered to the candidate standing next to her. "Do you think it's almost over? Is that ship ours? Do your feet hurt?"