Takashi watched grimly as his Persona burned monster after monster, it was quite a sight. A sight that should make him feel powerful, emboldened. Takashi's fingers danced along the grip of the fake gun in his hand. Such an interesting notion, with the simple action of shooting oneself in the head one gets this incredible power. It was wrong, no power should ever come that easily, but it does. This power came so easily that he didn't have to do a thing to get it, someone else did it for him. And that thought was quite simply terrifying, if obtaining such a power was so easy what was there to stop the wrong people from gaining it? Takashi was pulled from his thoughts by the appearance of a short woman with teal hair tied in a braid. He watched and listened closely to what she had to say, even if it did sound incredibly far fetched. [i]Just who is this woman? And how is she connected to all this?[/i] She pleaded with them, begged them to trust her. She was so sincere, Takashi felt like she could be trusted easily. "Very well then, Fuuka Yamagishi. What do we have to do?" Fuuka went into more depth about their surroundings and objective before she finally started to fade, almost like a TV slowly losing it's signal. After she vanished one of the others that around shouted something before charging headlong into the maze. "Hey stop! We should stick together!" He shouted after the boy, but it was too late, he was already gone. Takashi took a step forward, fake gun gripped firmly in his hand. He looked back at the others who were trapped here with him. "Well, what are we waiting for, let's go." And with that he strode into the labyrinth, attempting to mentally prepare himself for whatever awaits inside.