Going to make a PC for myself to make the cast less of a sausage fest... Name: Alina Ivanova Country of origin: Russia Specialty: Heavy Appearance:[img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121025051012/xcom/images/thumb/2/2e/Concept_-_Soldier_female.jpg/533px-Concept_-_Soldier_female.jpg] Bio: Like her husband, she was a soldier in the Russian federation. Both were lieutenants by the 2020. Thinking he and she were both safe from the attacks, they let their guard down from the paranormal enemies. After the USA was attacked, the paranormal spread to Russia. Both tried to defend each other, but it failed as she was knocked unconscious and her husband, to her knowledge, slain afterwards. Her family, miraculously enough, were not touched. Not believing that her family escaped unscathed, she believed there was a mysterious benefactor Personality: Stoic, austere, and dead serious are words that describe her well. Alina conceals her broken heart with nothing but a cool determination to end the paranormal menace. She would stop at absolutely nothing to get to the goal. However, not being completely cold, she holds her reserved feelings to those that deserve her trust. She joined the ParaCom for two reasons: To make sure no paranormal attack ever happens and to look for the mysterious benefactor.