[b]Hero[/b] --- Elise did not move an inch beyond her eyes, watching him approach her with a neutral expression. She took the perceived compliments and the rose without issue, appearing to just be waiting for the man to be done. When he finally moved away, she cracked a slight smile - a very kind one, but with hidden intent behind it. Elise reached up and took the rose from her hair, eyeing it before merely placing it down on the ground lightly. She returned her focus to the entire group rather than just Angelo. Her reaction was merely disinterest with no words spared. "Ella," Elise nodded to the girl, "has the more accurate answer. We have been gathered with the intent to collect and complete the World Heart. If you have any objections with this goal, then voice them." She explained briefly. Ella's sudden indication of pain was not missed on the Corporal, her brow arching. "Are you ill?" She inquired, tilting her head to the side.