Name: Bruno Buccellati Age: 22 Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Power: Bruno's power is zippers. Bio: Bruno was born in a small fishing town in Italy. His family was poor. His mother wanted to move to the city and start a new life where Bruno could recieve a proper education. However, his father had to stay in the village to make a living; having no skills to benefit from in the city. His parents allowed Bruno to choose which to go with. He decided to stay with his father. A series of events led to Bruno joining an Italian mafia. Bruno was in Italy when the Civil War unfolded. It was in Italy where Bruno discovered his powers, working for a gang. After splitting off, replacing the head of the mafia, Bruno traveled to America to investigate the appearance of super powers there, going undercover as the teacher at a school for super powered children. Personality: Bruno is best described as being loyal, selfless, and moral. He doesn't prove himself with big shows, just small things that he does everyday that sets him apart.