[b]Hero[/b] --- "Unnecessary posturing and pseudo-machismo blowharding aside," Elise began, shaking her head slightly "Bri, was it? Could you do us the honour of explaining what exactly this -," She gestured to Bri's appearance with a hand, up and down. Her eyes had since squinted, taking on a rather unpleasant edge to them. "is, exactly?" Elise's hand returned to her back. The intensity of her gaze faded somewhat as the cogs in her head came to a slow over the whole situation. It'd since been long trained into her head that a level-head was important, it'd take a lot more than something like this to jolt her. "And yes, this is it so far. Do hope it hasn't disappointed you too much, even though you are as ignorant to our capabilities as anyone else here." Her voice dripped with venom, her smile holding a dangerous feel to it. This girl couldn't put on a genuine fake smile to save her life it seems. She was not so much challenging the girl with her eyes and smile, but more giving out a subtle warning. She had a rough idea as to how this one would behave.