[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/World%20In%20Revolution/World_In_Revolution.jpg[/img][/center] Hello and welcome to World in Revolution; 1900. The date is January 1st, 1900, and the Boxer Rebellion rages on, the Ch'ing Dynasty is on the verge of collapse, and with it years of influence from Western nations. You, the player, must now take the reigns of a nation and lead it through this turbulent and troubling time. Although the Boxer Rebellion and other events in Asia will be a big part of the early stages, it is not the only focus of the game, and any nation is up for grabs. [b]Nation Registration:[/b] [s]open[/s]/[b]CLOSED[/b] [b]Procedures[/b] The procedures for this game will be fairly simple. You send orders to me or another GM should this game get too large for one person to handle (as has happened in the past). The orders will then be rolled and presented by me (or another GM) in an update. Each round of orders will be the span of one year. There will also be war updates, which occur (obviously) during a war, as well as mini-updates which can happen at any time. Orders work as thus: [b]Tier I[/b]: Britain, France, Germany, Russia. [b]Tier II[/b]: US, Austria, Italy, Japan. [b]Tier III[/b]: Spain, Brazil, China, Netherlands. [b]Tier IV[/b]: Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Romania, Serbia. [b]Tier V[/b]: Afghanistan, Canada, Persia, South Africa. Tier I gets two NFs, two normal orders, four war orders, and a treaty order. Tier II gets an NF, three normal orders, four war orders, and a treaty order. Tier III gets an NF, two normal orders, and three war orders. Tier IV gets an NF, a normal order, and two war orders. Tier V gets two normal orders and two war orders. Orders are due every Wednesday with the update posted on Saturday, unless I say otherwise. Orders are sent to the GM via private message with the title formatted as; 'WiR - Nation Name - Year'. Example (and this is a heavily simplified version): [quote] [b]WiR - Belgium - 1900[/b] [b]Order One (nf):[/b] Increase the level of factories. [b]Order Two:[/b] Perform naval exercises off the coast. [b]Order Three:[/b] Build a railway from Ghent to Antwerp. [b]Order Four:[/b] Spread Belgian influence in the Congo further east.[/quote] [b]National Statistics[/b] National Statistics, also called "Stats", are the main thing that keeps World in Revolution moving along. They are mostly all automated and kept in a Microsoft Excel Document, but they are quite complex. But for you, the player, it is rather simple. Let us take a look at Belgium to display how they work: [quote]Bank: $223,264,145.12 [b]How much money you have[/b] Income: $115,482,001.12 [b]How much money you make each year[/b] Gross Domestic Product: 144,839,200,000 [b]The total amount of money produced in your nation during the year[/b] Population: 13,255,560 [b]How many people live in your country[/b] Population Growth Rate: 4.15% [b]How fast your population grows[/b] Tariffs: 40% [b]The level of Tariffs you have[/b] Income Tax Rate: 1% [b]How much you tax incomes[/b] Industry Tax Rate: 15% [b]How much you tax industry[/b] Duty & Excise Tax Rate: 15% [b]How much you tax Commercial[/b] Bureaucracy: $39,766,680 [b]How much money you spend on Government overhead.[/b] Prestige: 560 [b]Your international standing[/b] Public Support: 61.00% [b]How much your country supports the current government[/b] Economic Stability: 96 [b]How well investors see your country[/b] Industry: 606 [b]The amount of industry you have[/b] Commercial: 404 [b]The amount of shops and small business you have[/b] Agriculture: 640 [b]The amount of agricultural and mining output in your nation[/b] Growth Rate: 4.35% [b]The average rate of growth for those three sectors above[/b] War Exhaustion: 0.00% [b]How weary your country is, if it gets to high, you are forced out of the war[/b] Infrastructure: 40 [b]Measures the railroads, sewers, electricity, ect level in your nation[/b] Infrastructure Spread: 100.00% [b]How far reaching the above is across the country[/b] Mobilization Level: Not Mobilized [b]If you are bring soldiers into the army or not[/b] Army Army Level: 27 [b]How advanced your Army is[/b] Equipment: 80% [b]How well equipped your Army is[/b] Regulars: 39,500 [b]Your main standing Army[/b] Irregulars: 0 [b]The reserves of your Army[/b] Militia: 0 [b]Soldiers raised to fight by mobilisation[/b] Navy Navy Level: 26 [b]How advanced your Navy is]/b] Cruisers: 27 [b]The amount of cruisers you have[/b] Destroyers: 84 [b]The amount of destroyers you have[/b] Coastal Gunboats: 450 [b]The amount of coastal gunboats you have[/b] Transport Flotillas: 21 [b]The amount of transports you have. 1 Transport can carry 1,000 men in 1 year[/b] Submarines: 4 [b]The amount of submarines you have[/b] Dreadnoughts: 1 [b]The amount of Dreadnoughts you have[/b] Air Force Air Level: 6 [b]How advanced your air force is[/b] Fighters: 2 [b]How many fighters you have[/b] Bombers: 0 [b]How many bombers you have[/b] At War With: NONE [b]Who you are at war with[/b] Leader: President HipĆ³lito Yrigoyen [b]Who is the leader of your nation[/b][/quote] [b]Rules[/b] 1) Remain civilized at all times. 2) I am, like Outcast, not the US Marines, I am in-fact in the Spetznaz, and I do leave people behind. If you don't get your orders in on time, you will not be included in the update, and you will have to catch up next week. 3) Keep things realistic. I understand that it is unlikely that we will be following the OTL to the letter, but that doesn't mean you can go and invent nuclear weapons in 1880 or release a tribe of smallpox-infested African Gorillas in downtown London. (However airborne ebola is okay for the lulz) 4) Don't be afraid of losing a war. 5) Don't be too harsh in war settlements/reparations. This is how Fascists are created. Nobody likes fascists. 6) THERE IS NO RULE SIX IN THIS EITHER BRO. 7) Don't start wars unnecessarily or at the drop of a hat. Try diplomacy first. 8) All treaties/alliances made secretly MUST be sent to me also. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. 9) No editing IC posts except to correct grammatical errors. 10) Wars can only end with a mutually agreed upon Peace Treaty. This includes if a nation is wiped out completely (see rule 5). 11) Declarations of War are final, and cannot be taken back. Only a Peace Treaty may resolve the conflict, even if no fighting occurs. 12) All Mobilization by countries must be announced 24 Hours before the official order deadlines. 13) All IC posts must include either your nation's name or flag. 14) If you are AWOL for more than three updates, you will be dropped and your nation up for grabs. You can reapply, but someone else may have taken your old nation. Warnings will be given out first. 15) I am not infallible. In fact, I fall pretty often. If you have a concern, feel free to ask, but don't get snarky with me. 16) My word, alongside any other GM, is final. [center] [b]Nations of the World: 1900[/b] [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/x28.png[/img] [/center] [b][u]Nations that NEED to be filled[/b][/u] United Kingdom - MagnificentOne United States - AegonIV The German Empire - Nachopontmercy The Austro-Hungarian Empire - Pepperm1nts The Ottoman Empire - flylittlecat France - Byrdman The Russian Empire - Dutchbag The Empire of China - Ampharos The Empire of Japan - Pasta Sentient The Kingdom of Serbia - Duck55223 [b][u]Secondary Powers/Nations of Interest[/b][/u] Canada - The Nexerus Portugal - Heyitsjiwon Spain - Maxwell500 Italy - solamelike Korea - Brazil - Rare Belgium - Shoopthewoop Netherlands - bigscreech Mexico - Romania - Ab Bulgaria - Mathrim Greece - Sleepyenvelope Afghanistan - Kho Persia - aladdin_sane South Africa - So Boerd