Full Name: Jonathan "Jack" Jaggers Age:18 Alias: The Blue Streak, The Blur Appearance: Jack has turquoise eyes. His straight dirty blonde hair is short and is worn similar to a military style. He is tall and has a muscular build. His skin is tanned. His daily clothes are usually a polo shirt of some color and cargo shorts since they are so easy to change out of should he need to. Jack always seems to have a smile on his face. Alias Appearance: He wears a full blue suit that helps him move faster. In the center of the suit is a white symbol of a lightning bolt. However very few have ever seen the suit. He never stays still long enough for anyone to see him. It is possible to see him. Alignment: Good -Heroic Personality: Jack is always smiling and laughing about jokes that only he knows. Unless something is threatening his city. If that is case the smiles and jokes are gone. He can be quiet should the scenario need it. How you got your powers : He got his powers from a mutation that his father got before Jack was born. His father was an attempt to make a super soldier project similar to the one made in Germany. However this one was not even close to as good. Many of the children from these tests got powers but there were side effects. Many of these can be either some sort of insanity or similar negative effect. Super Powers: Super speed, a bit stronger than the average person and fast reflexes. Weakness: Moves to darn fast , literally. That and slippery surfaces are not his friends. Character Flaws: Flirting with anything he can. That and he is a bit dense. His powers have weaknesses of their own. He needs to eat a lot to use it. That and he can trip when using it. Also attacks such as sound or anything that changes the friction makes him trip. Weapons: None Home City: Sunset Strip Stance on Crime: The System works. ((He tries to help the system.))