Full Name: Rachel Banks Age: 21 Alias: Wisp Appearance: Rachel is of average height (around 5'5") with a hard muscular build that she hides or downplays by wearing wooly sweaters and skirts which cover her knees. She has long black hair which falls loose halfway below her shoulders, dark green eyes and a slight tan. Her face is fairly well-proportioned and she has fine features, but she never wears make-up beyond a thin application of lip gloss. Alias Appearance: As Wisp, her black hair is done up in a braid and she wears a grey domino mask, a black long-sleeved top, dark brown cargo pants and black boots. Her taser and knife are holstered in a belt at her hips, with an expandable baton in her right pocket. In contrast to her civilian appearance, she uses lipstick, giving her lips a vivid red colour. Due to her powers, this is the only detail that remains somewhat consistent in rumours of her. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Personality: Rachel is extremely intelligent and highly driven, but only when it comes to her vigilante activities. In every other area of her life she is content to do the bare minimum to get by (pay her rent and bills, keep her job and so on). She also has a rather flippant attitude towards most things, though she covers that up with an air-headed demeanour in her civilian identity and relentless sarcasm in her vigilante persona. While she despises most criminals, she has a notable hatred of those who hurt children in any way. How you got your super Powers: Rachel was raised by a single mother after her father walked out on the family when she was two years old. Her mother went through a succession of boyfriends who were varying degrees of deadbeat or abusive until she met someone different when Rachel was six. He was loving towards her, doted on Rachel and had a stable job with a six-figure salary, though he never told her what he worked as. Her mother was smitten and they got married after two months. At his insistence, they moved into his penthouse apartment and Rachel transferred to a prestigious private school nearby. Life had become far better than she could have ever imagined, up till she turned fourteen. Her parents began to argue more often, and her mother confided to Rachel that she was certain he was having an affair. Three weeks later, they divorced and her stepfather gained custody. It was only then that he told her why: he'd been in love with her all along and wanted her for himself. He also had strong connections to one of the most powerful crime families in New York. Her powers surfaced one night six months later as she lay in bed, and she used them extensively on herself to remain sane. Around the same time, her stepfather began to forget things. It started out small, simply misplacing his wallet and keys more often than usual, but gradually escalated to the point where he lost entire days. Eventually she realised that they only happened after they'd touched in some way and tried removing his memories of the crime family he was connected to. It worked, and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital. She was old enough to move out and rent an apartment by then, and in a fit of rage at herself she deleted every memory of his abuse. Her anger remained, though, resulting in her decision to do what the justice system obviously could not: punish criminals. That was three years ago. Super Powers: Complete control over her own mind and mental state, memory editing (momentary touch: thoughts temporarily scrambled, ten seconds: minor changes to a recent memory, thirty seconds: edits to memories earlier the same day, over ten minutes: major edits to memories from the past month, thirty minutes: wholesale memory editing.) Weakness: She cannot create memories out of whole cloth (both for herself and others); memories added must be based on pre-existing ones. She cannot use her power to restore her own memories after she has deleted them (connections must be rebuilt normally). Character Flaws: Completely unwilling to think about her past, distrustful of others, dislikes silence and unexpected physical contact. Weapons: Expandable baton, Bowie knife, taser. Home city: Empire City Stance on crime: Eye for an eye