Laney gently lifted her head from the palms of her hands, letting her eyes gaze over the home schooler. A small smile drew itself over Laney's glossed lips, "Oh, hi, Lucy!" She tried to sound somewhat excited to see the girl, "my vacation was decent--my parents went out of town..." she trailed off, as if to brag that her parents would leave her alone for two whole weeks and not suspect anything. She gently touched her finger over the tip of her nose a couple times, as if to insinuate her having snorted something. She could tell Lucy was not sober. Unfortunately, for Lucy, it was obvious, at least to Laney. Her parents had to be [i]idiots[/i] to think their daughter was doing fine in a place like this. She was not sure how many times she watched Lucy's [i]dearest[/i] brother James stumble home, drowning in drugs only to have his parents welcome him lovingly and open armed. Oh, that's right, not too many--because only a handful of times she slept with the boy. [i]Or was he a man?[/i] She could not have been bothered to remember. . "Take a seat, Lucy," she continued to smile, "Tell me what you did. What did you get for Christmas?" She tried not to sound too mockingly. All Laney got was money. Money. Money that was well spent on--only the [i]kami[/i] or [i]shin[/i] knew for sure. She looked past Lucy towards Ethan, letting her gaze slowly scan around the room and stop at Edward. She quickly adverted her attention back to Lucy, running a hand through her golden, red hair, trying to pretend that she was interested in whatever Lucy had to say. Lucy was [i]almost[/i] as interesting as her brother, except, she was missing a vital piece of body to [i]actually[/i] deem herself interesting to Laney, not that Laney would not have minded Lucy. . . Nonetheless, Laney wanted to make her conversation with Lucy look somewhat worthwhile. She was not sitting alone anymore like a . . [i]loser[/i]. No matter how cocky and self-absorbed Ethan looked, he still had friends. And as for Laney, she almost felt herself dropping friends--but more like cards, she could always pick them up, again, when she wanted. Who needed real friends anyways? She leaned her head back in her left palm, satirically waiting for Lucy's reply.