I got my CS ready. Sorry if it's a bit rushed. If needed, I can go through it again tomorrow. *** Name: Ludwig Sigismund III Age: 22 Gender: Male Occupation: Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Sandesgeist, Major in the Imperial Sandesgeist Army Appearance: Ivory-skinned with dark hair, grey eyes. Slender build at height of 175cm. Wears military uniform resembling a 19th Century Prussian officer's uniform and if wearing a hat, he wears a pickelhaube. Personality: Ludwig is a serious young man, raised to be like his father. He has little time for humour, and dismisses anything considered to be for commoners. He is also raised to be diplomat, taught to be careful of what he says while listening to what everyone else says. Once you get on his good side however he will be a loyal friend. Skills: -Fluency in different languages -Officer's Training -Some political skills Equipment: -Pistol -Sabre Biography: Son of Ludwig Sigismund II, Ludwig is the heir to the throne of the Sandesgeist Kingdom. The Kingdom of Sandesgeist, formed from parts of former Prussia predates the recent war to a previous century where it was found by a noblewoman as an enclave for nobility. Ludwig grew up during the war with his father fearing that he will need to groom a successor quickly. As a result his education started early with emphasis on political and military skills, taught within the kingdom while having no free time. The little friends he had are children of the nobility, also sheltered from the war. When the war ended when Ludwig III was 10, his father still suspected another war or period of tensions and continued his training. Ludwig officially joined the Imperial Sandesgeist Army at the age of 18 and took officer's training to become a commanding officer. It was there that he got his interest in Mobile Suits that he also requested to take Mobile Suit piloting training. In his early years as officer and pilot, he was assigned to border patrol, patrolling the kingdom's border for defence against bandits and intruders. On his 22nd birthday, King Ludwing II assigned him a new role of joining the Sandesgeist Kingdom's diplomatic mission in New Anaheim as training in politics. The younger Ludwig agreed to go and took his personal commander-type Mobile Suit with him. Weaknesses: -Due to upbringing as a noble, ignorant to practises of commoners -Difficulties expressing his own opinions -Little sense of humour -Little patience to incompetence -Very elitist ~Mech Profiles~ Model: OMS-06RF RF Zaku/SGMS-06 Rustung Specialization: Mass Production General-Purpose Mobile Suit Appearance: [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100101133653/gundam/images/f/f0/Oms-06rf.jpg[/img] Looking like the RF Zaku, the head unit additionally mounts a headpiece similar to the Pickelhaube worn by the Imperial Sandesgeist Army. Weapons: -Beam Rifle -Beam Axe/Beam Spray Gun -Beam Bazooka -Shoulder shield -2-Barrel Vulcan Gun Capabilities: -Powerful reactor allowing use of powerful beam weapons -Commander type has strong communications array Weaknesses: -Heavy -No built-in flight system, forcing reliance on sub-flight system -Speed and maneuverability cannot outmatch smaller MS